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On functoriality of the Leray spectral sequence

The Leray spectral sequence is functorial in the following sense: given a commutative square of spaces, $$\begin{matrix} A & \to & B \\ \downarrow & & \downarrow \\ C & \to & D ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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Differentials in spectral sequences and Massey products

Consider a multiplicative spectral sequence such as the cohomological Serre spectral. It is known that differentials will satisfy a Leibniz rule. Is there a clean statement involving differentials and ...
qqqqqqw's user avatar
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Convergence of a spectral sequence of a double complex

In Weibel's book, a spectral sequence $E^r_{p,q}$ is said to weakly converge to a graded object $H_{\ast}$ if for every $n$ there exists a filtration $\dots \subset F_{r}H_{n} \subset F_{r-1}H_{\ast} \...
Federico Barbacovi's user avatar
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spectral sequence for a complex with two filtrations

Suppose $(C,d)$ is a chain complex: an abelian group with a map $d:C \to C$ such that $d^2 = 0$ (people like to assume $C$ is graded; if that helps - feel free to do so). A filtration is an ascending ...
Just Me's user avatar
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A Poincare dual spectral sequence for equivariant cohomology: extension to generalized cohomology?

This question is a follow-up to my previous question: "Rotated" version of the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence In that question, I discussed two different spectral sequences for ...
Dominic Else's user avatar
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On the multiplicative structure in spectral sequences.

Let $f\colon X \rightarrow Y$ be a continuous map of sufficiently nice topological spaces (say, smooth manifolds). Let ${\cal F}=(\dots\rightarrow F_i \rightarrow F_{i+1}\to \dots)$ be a bounded ...
asv's user avatar
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Strong Convergence vs Conditional Convergence for Spectral Sequences (Is there a simple explanation?)

I am curious if there is a relatively simple explanation of what is the difference between strong convergence and conditional convergence for Spectral Sequences? (Hopefully a simpler explanation than ...
yoyostein's user avatar
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Eilenberg-Moore spectral Sequence calculation

I want to use the cohomology Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence to calculate the cohomology of the fibre of the map $$ S^{n} \to \Omega S^{n+1}. $$ Question 1: Is anyone aware of any references for ...
Niall Taggart's user avatar
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Explicit computation of hyper Ext in terms of the homologies of the input chain complexes

This question was asked on math.stackexchange and didn't receive any traction, so I'm turning to the MO community. Hello! Let $C_{\bullet}$ and $D_{\bullet}$ be chain complexes of $R$-modules for some ...
Eric's user avatar
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Geometric filtration for Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence

I'm reading the paper by Eilenberg-Moore ( about the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence. In section 11, they introduce the notion of ...
Li Guanyu's user avatar
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Functoriality of Leray homology spectral sequences of fibrations

Let $p\colon E\to B$ and $p'\colon E'\to B'$ be two fibrations. Assume for simplicity that $B,B'$ are simply connected. Let we have morphism of these fibrations, i.e. two continuous maps $$f\colon E\...
asv's user avatar
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Dress' construction and Serre spectral sequence

Currently, I am reading Serre spectral sequence, given below, using Dress' construction. Let $f:E\to B$ be a Serre fibration. Then, there is a first quadrant spectral sequence $\big\{E^r,d^r\}_{...
Sumanta's user avatar
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An alternative proof of Künneth spectral sequence, independent of Künneth formula for homology

I am currently reading Künneth spectral sequence, which is given below. Let $R$ be a ring and A$=\big\{A_n,d_n:A_n\longrightarrow A_{n-1}\big|d_{n-1}\circ d_n=0\big\}_{n\in \Bbb Z}$ be a chain ...
Sumanta's user avatar
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Relating inflation maps from spectral sequences in lower and higher dimensions

The spectral sequence has some nice property. Consider $ N \to G \overset{R}{\to} Q $ and $G/N=Q$. There is a spectral sequence $\{E^{p,q}_n, d_n\}$ with: (i) The differential is defined as a map $...
wonderich's user avatar
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completion and convergence of spectral sequence

I would like to understand the connection between $p$-adic completion and the strong convergence of a spectral sequence. Precisely, suppose $E^2_{s,t}\implies G_{s+t}$ is a first quadrant strongly ...
user83492's user avatar
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Spectral sequence for two fibrations

Given maps of fibrations, i.e. commutative diagrams of smooth manifolds $$\begin{matrix} \ F & \to & E &\to & B \\\ \downarrow & & \downarrow & & \downarrow \\\ \ F'...
UserIn's user avatar
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Spectral sequences associated to cohomologies of simplicial type and derived-functor type: Proof of convergence

Assume I have two cohomology theories $\mathrm{\tilde{H}^{*}}$ and $\mathrm{H^{*}}$, the latter being defined over a Grothendieck site $X$ as the derived functor of some left-exact covariant functor $\...
The Thin Whistler's user avatar
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Cohomology spectral sequence of a CW complex filtered by its skeletons

Let $X$ be a CW complex. Suppose, $$\emptyset\subset X^0\subset X^1\subset \cdots \subset X^p\subset \cdots \subset X= \bigcup_{i=0}^{\infty} X^i,$$ is a filtration of $X$ by its skeletons $X^i$. Now ...
Uncool's user avatar
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A naturality question concerning the universal coefficient spectral sequence

I am reading Hillman's book "algebraic invariants of links" and on page 20 he mentions the following universal coefficient spectral sequence. Let X be a connected finite CW complex.Let $H$ be a ...
Anthony Conway's user avatar