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Definition of canonical pair

Let $(X,D)$ be a pair and $f:Y\rightarrow X$ a log resolution. Write $$ K_Y + \widetilde{D} = f^{*}(K_X) + \sum_{i}a_iE_i $$ where $\widetilde{D}$ is the strict transform of $D$. I found the following ...
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Existence of terminal $3$-fold flips

Does there exist a terminal $3$-fold $X$ with a curve $C\subset X$ such that $K_X\cdot C < 0$ admitting a Mori flip $X\dashrightarrow Y$, flipping $C$ to a curve $C'\subset Y$, where the singular ...
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Computations of divisor class monoids

Let me first recall some definitions from the very first pages of Bourbaki, Commutative Algebra, Chapter 7, "Divisors". Let $A$ be a (commutative) domain, $K$ its field of fractions. A ...
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Weak Fano varieties and small transformations

A projective normal and $\mathbb{Q}$-factorial variety $X$ is said to be log Fano if there exists and effective divisor $D$ on $X$ such $-K_X-D$ is ample and the pair $(X,D)$ is klt. Now, let $f:X\...
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Divisorial contractions and singularities

I have a smooth $6$-fold $X\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ and a divisor $D\subset X$ cut out by a quadratic polynomial. I know that $D$ in singular along a smooth $3$-fold $Y\subset X$, and that if $Z$ is the ...
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Elementary short exact sequence of sheaves

This question arised when I was trying to use this answer to understand Reid's "Young Person's guide to Canonical Singularities". In particular page 352 when computing the blow-up $Y\rightarrow A^2/\...
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Bertini's Theorem

Let $p_1,...,p_n\in\mathbb{P}^{N}$ be general points. Consider the linear system $|L|$ of hypersurfaces of degree $d$ in $\mathbb{P}^{N}$ with prescribed multiplicities $m_1,...,m_n$ at $p_1,...,p_n$. ...
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Varieties with big anti-canonical divisor

I recently heard about the following problem: Let $X$ be a projective variety with klt singularities and such that $-K_X$ is big. Is $X$ a Mori Dream Space ? Now, $-K_X$ big if and only if $-K_X -\...
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Hypersurfaces with Gorenstein singular loci

Recall that a hypersurface $D$ in a complex manifold $X$ is called a free divisor if the Lie algebroid $\mathcal{T}_X(-\log D)$ of vector fields tangent to $D$ is locally free. This condition is ...
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