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Langlands program beyond CM fields?

I apologize since this is a quite vague question. And I am personally at an expert in these fields at all. It seems to me that there are two main directions of the Langlands program, namely, ...
NTbeginner's user avatar
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Galois representations in cohomology of quaternion Shimura varieties

Let $F$ be a totally real field, and $E \subseteq F$ a subfield. Choose a quaternion algebra $B$ over $F$ satisfying the following condition: there is a distinguished infinite place $\tau$ of $E$ ...
David Loeffler's user avatar
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choice of local system in Deligne's construction of $l$-adic Galois representations

Hello, Deligne famously constructed $l$-adic representations of $G_\mathbf Q = Gal(\overline{\mathbf Q}/\mathbf Q)$ starting form cusp modular forms of weight $k$ by looking inside the cohomology ...
Nicolás's user avatar
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Why does Deligne's construction of the Galois representation attached to the new cuspidal forms require that the Kuga-Sato manifold be regular?

The origin of this question is related to the construction of Galois representations of Deligne attached to $f$ a new cuspidal form (of weight $k\geq 2$). To do this, we consider the fiber product $k$-...
Marsault Chabat's user avatar