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Is the category of diffeological spaces a full subcategory of locally ringed spaces?

It is known that the natural functor of smooth functions from the category of smooth manifolds into the category of locally ringed spaces is a full embedding (see, for example, here). Is a similar ...
Arshak Aivazian's user avatar
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Is the sheaf associated to a differential structure of a specific type?

On a set $X$, let us define a set $\mathcal{D}$ of functions from $X$ to $\mathbb{R}$. Consider first the initial topology $\tau_\mathcal{D}$ on $X$ with respect to $\mathcal{D}$, i.e. the coarsest ...
Christophe Wacheux's user avatar
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In terms of sheaf cohomology, what does Bott & Tu's relative de Rham cohomology $H^\bullet(f)$ compute for $f: S \to M$ a smooth map?

Given a map $f: S \to M$ of smooth manifolds, Bott & Tu define on page 78 a complex by $\Omega^q(f)=\Omega^q(M) \oplus \Omega^{q-1}(S)$ and $d(\omega, \theta)=(d\omega, f^*\omega - d\theta)$ where ...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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Exercises around Diffeological Spaces or a Diffeologic Atlas Theory

Is there a Book or a bunch of exercises to get used to diffeological spaces from a practical point of view? It seems to me that papers on this topic are mostly concerned with their very good ...
Mark.Neuhaus's user avatar
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Is there a sheaf theoretical characterization of a differentiable manifold?

I'm going through the crisis of being unhappy with the textbook definition of a differentiable manifold. I'm wondering whether there is a sheaf-theoretic approach which will make me happier. In a ...
Daniel Moskovich's user avatar