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8 votes
2 answers

Swan-like theorem and covering spaces

Let $X$ be a finite CW complex. Swan's theorem provide an equivalence $$ {\rm Vec}(X)\xrightarrow\sim{\rm ProjMod}(\mathop{\rm hom}\nolimits_{\rm Top}(X,\mathbb{R})) $$ between the category of finite ...
4 votes
1 answer

$G$-torsor for topological space compared to that for sheaf of groups

I just read about the definitions about torsor of sheaf of groups and get a bit confused. How does the notion of $G$-torsor for a topological space compared to that of a sheaf of groups? Is there a ...
8 votes
1 answer

Relative version of de Rham cohomology with local coefficients

Given a vector bundle $E \to M$ with connection $\nabla$, we get a twisted de Rham sequence using the exterior covariant derivative: $$\mathcal{E} \xrightarrow{d^\nabla=\nabla} \Omega^1_M \otimes_{\...