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12 votes
3 answers

Can one characterize those sheaves which have Hausdorff etale spaces?

Given a sheaf of sets $F$ on a space $X,$ under the equivalence of categories between etale spaces over $X$ and sheaves over $X,$ $F$ is associated to a local homeomorphism $$E\left(F\right) \to X$$ ...
David Carchedi's user avatar
9 votes
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Topos with enough projectives

It is often observed that every presheaf topos has enough projectives, as a corollary of the result that representables are projective and every presheaf is a colimit of representables. We also have ...
Morgan Rogers's user avatar
4 votes
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Topos as a totally cocomplete object in a 2-category CART

In the preface to Sketches of an elephant, Peter Johnstone gives a list of characterizations of topos, some applicable to elementary (ii- finite limits and power objects) other to Grothendieck (i- ...
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