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Is there a simple counterexample to étale proper base change on the unbounded derived category?

The best non-derived version of proper base change on the étale site of a scheme I know is that for $f : X \to Y$ proper and $g : Y' \to Y$ arbitrary, the base change morphism $g^{-1} R f_\star \...
C.D.'s user avatar
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Injective sheaf of $\mathcal{O}_X$ modules

I am trying to verify that: A sheaf of $\mathcal{O}_X$ modules $\mathcal{F}$ is an injective object in the category of $\mathcal{O}_X$ modules iff its local rings $\mathcal{F}_x$ are injective $\...
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Splitting of counit-trace map for $\ell$-adic sheaf $\Bbb Q_{\ell}$

I have a question about following argument on page 3 in paper by Will Sawin (Proposition 3): The claim is that for a finite, dominant map $f:X \to Y$ between varieties $X,Y$ ...
user267839's user avatar
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Is the restriction of an injective sheaf on a closed subscheme still injective?

Let $X$ be a Noetherian scheme, and let $i:Z\to X$ be the inclusion of a closed subscheme $Z$. Let $\mathcal{I}$ be an injective sheaf of modules on $X$. Question. Is $i^*\mathcal{I}$ still an ...
Stabilo's user avatar
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When is a coherent subsheaf determined by its global sections

I am reading an article in which a proof is based on defining a subsheaf by only giving its global sections. The exact setting is that, one has a surjective finite morphism $f:Y\to X$ between ...
user24453's user avatar
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Do rationally contractible presheaves have rationally contractible injective resolution

Given a presheaf $\mathcal{F}: Sm/k\rightarrow Ab$ we define a new presheaf $C\mathcal{F}= \varinjlim\limits_{X\times \{0,1\}\subset U \subset X\times \mathbb{A}^1}\mathcal{F}(U)$. The presheaf $\...
user127776's user avatar
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Direct image functor commuting with infinite direct sum of sheaves

Normally I would think this kind of question doesn't belong on overflow, but I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere else, so perhaps it is not so trivial. Let $f: X \rightarrow Y$ be a ...
Luke's user avatar
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Direct sums of invertible sheaves commuting with global sections and the functor of points approach

I am looking at the Stacks Project's treatment of the functor of points for projective space. Let's restrict to the case that $S$ is a graded ring, generated by $S_{1}$ as an $S_{0}$ algebra. The ...
Luke's user avatar
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Chern Classes: two approaches

The following question is closely related to this one. Let $X$ a non singular projective variety over $\mathbb C$, and let $\mathscr E$ a locally free sheaf of rank $r$ (an algebraic vector bundle), ...
Dubious's user avatar
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Joins of (closed) subschemes and Zariski-local Z-functors

$\newcommand\Aff{\mathrm{Aff}}\newcommand\cRing{\mathrm{cRing}}\newcommand\Sch{\mathrm{Sch}}$Equip $\Aff = \cRing^\text{op}$ with the Zariski Grothendieck-topology. There are nested categories: $$\Aff\...
Nico's user avatar
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Interesting property of a divisor contained in special fiber

Let $(A, \mathfrak{m}, \kappa=A/\mathfrak{m})$ be a local ring and $f:X \to \operatorname{Spec} (A)$ a scheme. Let $D \subset X$ a divisor on $X$ contained in special fiber $D \subset f^{-1}(\sigma_{\...
user267839's user avatar
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Weaker version of smooth base change for étale sheaves

Consider the cartesian square of schemes $$ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} X' @>{g'}>> X \\ @V{f'}VV @VV{f}V \\ S' @>>{g}> S \end{CD} $$ and the base change map $$ \eta : ...
Michele's user avatar
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Counit map surjective

Let $X \to Y$ a (set theoretically) surjective morphism of schemes, $L$ a line bundle/invertible sheaf on $X$ (maybe more generally a locally free coh sheaf, but let's stick firstly on invertible ...
user267839's user avatar
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Quotient of $\text{Proj}(A)$ by the action of a finite group

Let $X$ be $ \operatorname{Proj}(A)$ for some graded ring A, and let $G$ be a finite group acting on $A$ with morphisms of graded rings; consequently $G$ acts on $X$. I know I can write $X = \bigcup_{...
waphety's user avatar
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Mistake in Hartshorne's Exercise II.1.1?

This is really an elementary question, but let me state it. Exercise 1.1 of the second Chapter of Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry ask to prove that the sheaf associated to the presheaf sending every ...
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