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Properties of the petit Zariski topos

What are some (intrinsically formulated) properties of the locally ringed topos $(\mathbf{Sh}(X),\mathcal{O}_X)$ for some scheme $X$, which do not hold for arbitrary locally ringed toposes? Is there, ...
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Ringed and locally ringed spaces

A pair $(X,O_X)$ is a ringed space if $X$ is a topological space and $O_X$ is a sheaf of rings. If every stalk $O_{X,x}$ is a local ring, then we say that $(X,O_X)$ is a locally ringed space. In the ...
Jesus Martinez Garcia's user avatar
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Push-out in the category of coherent sheaves over the complex projective plane

I'm trying to deal with an example of a rank two vector bundle over the complex projective plane which is non slope-stable (because the associated sheaf of sections has a coherent subsheaf of equal ...
John117's user avatar
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Examples of nontrivial local systems in Decomposition Theorem

There is a proper map $f: X \rightarrow Y$ of projective varieties. The Decomposition Theorem of Beilinson–Bernstein–Deligne-Gabber states that $$Rf∗IC_X \cong \oplus_a IC_{\bar{Y_a}}(L_a)[shifts]$...
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