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Converses to Cartan's Theorem B

Here is a phrasing of some Cartan Theorem B statements: Consider the following conditions: $X$ is a {Stein manifold, affine scheme, coherent analytic subvariety of $\mathbb{R}^n$, contractible ...
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de Rham isomorphism with holomorphic forms

For a non-compact Riemann surface $X$ there is an isomorphism: $$\Omega(X)/\mathrm d \mathcal O(X)\simeq H^1(X,\mathbb C)$$ where $\Omega$ is the sheaf of holomorphic forms on $X$. The group on the ...
user336494's user avatar
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H. Cartan's "Variétés analytiques complexes et cohomologie"?

Does anyone know where I might find an online version (for free or purchase, translated or in french) of this paper by Henri Cartan from 1953? I know it was published in Colloque sur les fonctions de ...
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