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Are maps between cohomology of homogeneous vector bundles morphisms of representations?

Let $X = G/P$ a rational homogeneous variety, e.g. a grassmannian. Consider a short exact sequence $$ 0 \longrightarrow E_1 \longrightarrow E_2 \longrightarrow E_3 \longrightarrow 0$$ where $E_i$ are ...
3 votes
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Cohomology of boundary of locally symmetric space

Let $S$ be a locally symmetric space, not necessarily compact, and $\overline{S}$ be its Borel-Serre compactification. Let $\partial S$ be the boundary of $S$. Let $\widetilde{\mathbb{C}}$ be the ...
4 votes
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Dolbeault cohomology of $\text{sl}(2,\mathbb{C})$

Consider the complex Lie group $G=\text{SL}(2,\mathbb{C})$ and let us denote $\Omega$ the sheaf of top holomorphic forms of this group. Are the cohomology spaces $H^{*}(G,\Omega)$ known ? I am ...