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formal smooth morphism with a formal smooth source

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ a morpism between $k$-schemes ( $k$ a field). We suppose that X is formally smooth and f is formally smooth and surjective. Do we have that $Y$ is formally smooth? Or if it's ...
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Deformation of complex manifolds that admit reduction modulo $p$

Let $(M,B,\omega)$ be a complex analytic family of compact (projective non singular) complex manifolds, where $B \subset \mathbb{C}^{m}$ is some domain. Lets consider a subclass of such manifolds $\{...
Mishkaat's user avatar
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Preserved invariants by a flat family

Let $X, C$ be schemes and $f: X \to C$ be a "flat family". That is $f$ is flat morphism. For sake of simplicity we can say that $f$ is surjective and $C$ is an irreducible curve that "parametrizes" ...
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fpqc, formal smoothness

Based on Possible formal smoothness mistake in EGA, let $X$ and $Y$ $k$-schemes ($k$ a field), let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ a fpqc morphism such that $f$ is formally smooth and $X$ formally smooth, do we ...
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