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When does a group and its pro-algebraic completion have equivalent categories of arbitrary representations?

In the following everything is over some field $k$. Let $G$ be a discrete group. We write $G^{\text{alg}}$ for its pro-algebraic completion. The latter is a pro-affine pro-algebraic group which arises ...
Patrick Elliott's user avatar
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Orbits of group representation over $\mathbb{F}_2$

Recently I have been considering a problem that has had me venture into some mathematical territory that is new to me, specifically group representations, words, and character theory. I would ...
healynr's user avatar
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Connection between certain finite groups and Frobenius algebras

This question is maybe not so precise yet, but contains some ideas that maybe just search for the right definition. Let $G=F/U$ be a finite group with presentation $F/U$ (here the presentation really ...
Mare's user avatar
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Short exact sequences in p-group algebras

Given a group algebra of a finite p-group over a field of characteristic p. Tachikawa proved that in this case $Ext^{1}(M,M) \neq 0$ for any finite dimensional non-projective module $M$. Can one give ...
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