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Non-isomorphic compact Kähler manifolds that are biholomorphic, symplectomorphic and isometric

Let $(M, \omega_M, J_M)$ and $(N, \omega_N, J_N)$ be compact Kähler manifolds. Denote $g_M=\omega_M(\cdot, J_M\cdot)$ and $g_N=\omega_N(\cdot, J_N\cdot)$. Assume there is a diffeomorphism $\nu:M\to N$ ...
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Diffeomorphism type of Ricci-flat four manifolds

Let $(M,g)$ be an irreducible compact and simply connected Ricci-flat Riemannian four-manifold. My first questions are as follows: A) Is there a classification of the possible homeomorphism types of ...
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Non-isomorphic compact Kähler manifolds not containing submanifolds biholomorphic to their conjugates

Let $(M, \omega_M, J_M)$ and $(N, \omega_N, J_N)$ be compact Kähler manifolds. Denote $g_M=\omega_M(\cdot, J_M\cdot)$ and $g_N=\omega_N(\cdot, J_N\cdot)$. Assume there is a diffeomorphism $\nu:M\to N$ ...
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Non-symplectomorphic isometric compact Kähler manifolds

Let $(M, \omega_M, J_M)$ and $(N, \omega_N, J_N)$ be compact Kähler manifolds. Denote $g_M=\omega_M(\cdot, J_M\cdot)$ and $g_N=\omega_N(\cdot, J_N\cdot)$. Assume there is a diffeomorphism $\phi:M\to N$...
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When is the Chern integral given by the norm of the curvature tensor?

I saw somewhere that for a Kahler manifold that admits a Kahler-Einstein metric the following integral formula is true. $$\int_M c_2 \wedge \omega^{n-2} = \frac{1}{n(n-1)}\int |Rm|^2 \omega^n$$ It ...
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Special connection of vector bundle over real manifold

Let $E \rightarrow M$ be a vector bundle over a smooth manifold $M$ and let $g$ be a bundle metric. Does there exists a conection (maybe unique) $\nabla$ which is compatible with $g$. By this I mean: ...
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