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Indecomposable modules for the big quantum group

I am study the representation theory of the big quantum group at a root of unity, and I am wonder if it is known a complete classification of the indecomposable modules for it. To be more specific, ...
JC Arias's user avatar
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The Killing form on quantized enveloping algebras and reduction to the classical case

Let $U_q$ be the quantized enveloping algebra associated to a semisimple Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$. It is a result due to Tanisaki (see here; also see Chapter 6 of Jantzen's book Lectures on Quantum ...
Chuck Hague's user avatar
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The adjoint representation of $U_q({\frak sl}_2)$ on itself

Let $U_q(\frak{sl}_2)$ denote the quantum universal enveloping algebra of $\frak{sl}_2$, and consider the adjoint action $$ \mathrm{ad}_X: U_q({\frak sl}_2) \to U_q({\frak sl}_2), ~~ Y \mapsto S(X_{(...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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"Quantum Littlewood-Richardson" Rule?

Let $\frak{g}$ be a complex semi-simple Lie algebra, and $\lambda,\mu \in P^+$ two positive dominant weights with corresponding irreducible representations $V(\lambda)$ and $V(\mu)$. The tensor ...
Milan Bernolak's user avatar
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Calculating fusion rules for $\operatorname{Rep}(G)$ and $G_{k}$ [reference request]

Could somebody please direct me to textbooks / literature that (perhaps lay the foundations for and) detail the method for determining the fusion rules for categories such as $\operatorname{Rep}(G)$ ...
Meths's user avatar
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Irreducibility of product bicomodules

Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra, and $V$ and $W$ a left, and a right, $H$-comodule respectively. The tensor product $$ V \otimes W $$ has an obvious $H$-$H$-bicomodule structure. If $V$ and $W$ are ...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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Quantum group associated to a reductive group

In most of the classical references about quantum groups, these objects are defined as a one-parameter deformation of the universal enveloping algebra. However, I have read in several papers that it ...
jeykey's user avatar
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Simple modules of quantum toroidal algebras

Many properties of quantum toroidal algebras are similar to quantum affine algebras. Every simple module of a quantum affine algebra of rank $n$ corresponds to an $n$-tuple of Drinfeld polynomials. ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Quantum Coordinate Algebras at Roots of Unity and Non-Standard Irrep Types

Let $\frak{g}$ be a complex semi-simple Lie algebra of rank $n$, and $U_q(\frak{g})$ the corresponding Drinfeld-Jimbo algebra. As is well-known, for $q$ not a root of unity, the irreducible finite-...
Janos Erdmann's user avatar
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How does an element $T\left(z\right)$ act on a $\mathcal{U}_{q}\left(\mathcal{L}\mathfrak{sl}_{2}\right)\left[\left[z\right]\right]$-module?

Context Let $V$ be a 2-dimensional evaluation representation of the quantum loop algebra $\mathcal{U}_{q}\left(\mathcal{L}\mathfrak{sl}_{2}\right)$ with $a=q$. Also, for $m\in\mathbb{Z}$, the ...
Jake's user avatar
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A question about q-binomials at roots of unity

I have a question about a lemma $9.3.6$ in the book A Guide to Quantum Groups written by Vyjayanthi Chari and Andrew Pressley. This question comes from page 301, "The restricted specialization&...
fusheng's user avatar
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Why are the quantum Fock spaces in FLOTW the same as Uglov's?

Theorem 2.5 in the well-known FLOTW paper [1] and Theorem 2.1 in Uglov's paper [2] both refer to the original JMMO paper [3] to define quantum Fock spaces, i.e. Fock spaces for $U_q(\widehat{\...
Chris Schoennenbeck's user avatar
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Comodules of the $B,C$ and $D$ series quantum groups

In Section 11.5 of Klimyk and Schmudgen's book on quantum groups, explicit presentations of the isomorphism classes of comodules of ${\cal O}(GL_q(N))$ are given in terms of its "quantum minors". In ...
Malcom Stuart's user avatar
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The coproducts $\mathbb{C}_q[U] \to \mathbb{C}_q[U] \otimes \mathbb{C}_q[U]$ and $\mathbb{C}[U] \to \mathbb{C}[U] \otimes \mathbb{C}[U]$

A coproduct $\varphi: \mathbb{C}_q[U] \to \mathbb{C}_q[U] \otimes \mathbb{C}_q[U]$ is given by: $x \mapsto 1 \otimes x + x \otimes 1$, where $x$ is a generator of $\mathbb{C}_q[U]$. There is a ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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How to understand a definition in KLR algebra in the setting of quantum affine algebras?

I am trying to figure out what should the following definition correspond to in the setting of quantum affine algebra: $$ X \circ Y = Ind_{\beta, \gamma}^{\beta+\gamma} X \boxtimes Y \quad (1) $$ This ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Reference request: Nichols algebras of a braided vector space with a diagonal braiding

Are there some references of the proof of the following result? Let $(V, c)$ be a braided vector space over a field $k$ with a basis $x_1, \ldots, x_n$, where $c$ is a diagonal braiding given by \...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Clebsch Gordan coefficients of compact quantum groups

Consider a compact quantum group $G$. Let $a, b$ and $c$ be irreducible unitary corepresentations and assume that $c$ is contained in $a \otimes b$. Let $U$ be the intertwiner from the representation ...
user61080's user avatar
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polynomial representation of $sl_{2}(k)$

Let $k$ be an algebraic closed field of characteristic 0. We write $$X=\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 1\\ 0 & 0\\ \end{array} \right),~~ Y=\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 0\\ 1 & 0\\ \...
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Hopf algebra antipodes and right left comodule equivalences

Given a Hopf algebra $H$, denote by ${}^H\mathrm{mod}$ the category of left $H$-comodules, and by $\mathrm{mod}^H$ the category of right $H$-comodules. If the antipode $S$ of $H$ is invertible then we ...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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