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A couple of questions about the moduli space of annuli with some marked points on the boundary components

I'm trying to work out an answer for my previous question and I'm stuck with the following issue: In the paper Deformations of Bordered Riemann surfaces and associahedral polytopes by Devadoss, Heath ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Does anyone know if it's possible to construct Moduli space of J holomorphic curves using Holder spaces?

let Y be a contact (3) manifold and X be its symplectization. let's say the Reeb dynamics is at least Morse Bott. let $u: \Sigma \rightarrow X$ be a $J$ holomorphic curve. I know the usual model for a ...
Yuan Yao's user avatar
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A genericity argument on family of disconnected holomorphic curves

Let $(W, \lambda)$ be an exact cobordism from $(M_+, \lambda_+)$ to $(M_-, \lambda_-)$ and $\overline{W}$ be the usual symplectic completion of $W$. Let $\mathcal{M}(J)$ be the module space of all ...
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