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A singular stochastic differential equation

We consider the following SDE: $$dX_t = 1(X_t = 0) \, dt + 1(X_t >0) \, dB_t, \quad X_0= x > 0,$$ where $(B_t, \, t \ge 0)$ is linear Brownian motion. Let $\tau: = \inf\{t >0: X_t = 0\}$ be ...
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Solutions to linear SDE with many noise sources

It is well known how to solve the linear stochastic ODEs with one source of noise $$dX_t=(a(t)X_t+c(t))dt+(b(t)X_t+d(t))dW_t$$ See, for instance,
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Adiabatic elimination of a variable in a system of nonlinear stochastic ODEs?

If this is too basic for MathOverflow... say the word and I shall move it to Math.SE First consider this system of ODEs. Say I have two variables $u$ and $a$, following $$ \dot u = -u + f(a) $$ $$ \...
MRule's user avatar
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General solution to system of stochastic linear differential equations

Assume we are given the system of linear stochastic differential equations $$dx_i = \sum_{j=1}^n a_{ij}(t) \cdot x_j \cdot dt + \sum_{j=1}^n \sigma_{ij}(t) \cdot x_j \cdot dB_{ij,t} + b_j(t)\cdot dt+\...
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Finding a stochastic differential equation as limit of a discrete stochastic equation

I'm dealing with the following problem: Choose $Z_0 \in [0,1]$ and define a process governed by the following discrete stochastic equation: $Z_{k+1}-Z_k=P_k(1-2Z_k)$ where $P_k=0$ with probability $...
Leo's user avatar
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total variation distance between two solutions of SDE

Suppose we have two stochastic differential equations with the same initial conditions: $$d X_t^1= b_1(t,X_t^1)dt + dW_t$$ $$d X_t^2= b_2(t,X_t^2)dt + dW_t,$$ $X_0^1=X_0^2=x_0$; $W_\cdot$ is a ...
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