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Integral of $M^\text{*} - M$ with respect to $M^\text{*}$ is zero for $M^\text{*}$ the running maximum of $M$ a continuous local martingale

Given $M$ a continuous local martingale, and $M^\text{*} = \sup_{0 \leq s \leq t} M_s$ its running maximum, we consider the finite variation integral $$ I_T:= \int_0^T (M^\text{*}_s - M_s) \, \text{d}...
George's user avatar
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Reverse martingale convergence theorem in Banach spaces

In section 1.5 of a course given by Gilles Pisier, the author is claiming that in the excerpt below $\operatorname E[\varphi_i\mid\mathcal A_{-n}]\to\operatorname E[\varphi_i\mid\mathcal A_{-\infty}]$ ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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UMD constant of finite dimensional spaces

For a Banach space $B$, its one-sided Unconditional Martingale Difference (UMD) constant $C^-_p$ (for $p \in (1,\infty)$) is the smallest value such that for all $B$-valued martingale difference ...
Marco's user avatar
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Does Novikov condition imply BMO martingale?

Let $(\Omega,\mathbb{F},P)$ be a complete probability space, equipped with a filtration $\mathcal{F}_t, 0 \le t < \infty$. Consider a continuous local martingale $(X_t, \mathcal{F}_t)$ such that $...
Hans's user avatar
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Rosenthal like inequality for weak $\mathbb L^p$-norms

Let $p$ be a real number greater than $1$. It is well known (see Hall and Heyde's Martingale limit theory and its applications, Theorem 2.10) that there exists a constant $C_p$ such that if $(X_i)_{i=...
Davide Giraudo's user avatar
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Compactness of the set of densities of equivalent martingale measures

Consider an incomplete market $(\Omega,\mathcal F,\mathbb P)$ driven by a semimartingale $S=(S_t)_{t\in[0,T]}$. Under the no free lunch under vanishing risk (NFLVR) assumption, the set $\mathcal P^\...
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