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4 votes
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Dividing a finite arithmetic progression into two sets of same sum: always the same asymptotics?

This is inspired by the recent question How many solutions $\pm1\pm2\pm3…\pm n=0$. The oeis entries A063865 linked to this question and A292476/A156700 for the related one "How many solutions $\pm1\...
8 votes
1 answer

Does $|A+A|$ concentrate near its mean?

Fix $N$ to be a large prime. Let $A \subset \mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z}$ be a random subset defined by $\mathbb{P}(a \in A) = p$, where $p = N^{-2/3 + \epsilon}$ for some fixed $\epsilon > 0$. My ...
5 votes
2 answers

Anticoncentration of the convolution of two characteristic functions

Edit: This is a question related to my other post, stated in a much more concrete way I think. I am interested in anything (ideas, references) related to the following problem: Suppose that $A \...