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12 votes
0 answers

UMD constant of finite dimensional spaces

For a Banach space $B$, its one-sided Unconditional Martingale Difference (UMD) constant $C^-_p$ (for $p \in (1,\infty)$) is the smallest value such that for all $B$-valued martingale difference ...
5 votes
1 answer

Proof of Pinelis (1992) - Banach space inequalities

I am reading Pinelis "An approach to inequalities for the distributions of infinite -dimensional martingales" and cannot follow his proof of Theorem 3: Let $(f_n)$ be a martingale in a separable ...
9 votes
3 answers

Rosenthal like inequality for weak $\mathbb L^p$-norms

Let $p$ be a real number greater than $1$. It is well known (see Hall and Heyde's Martingale limit theory and its applications, Theorem 2.10) that there exists a constant $C_p$ such that if $(X_i)_{i=...