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Inequalities for generalized variance

Let $(X, \mu)$ be a measured space with $\mu(X) = 1$. Given $\phi \in L^\infty(X, \mu)$, $\phi > 0$, let me define, for $\alpha \geq 1$, $\beta > 0$, the quantity $$ I(\alpha, \beta) = \left(\...
Romain Gicquaud's user avatar
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Lemma 3.10 of paper 'Periodic nonlinear Schrodinger Equation and Invariant measure' by J.Bourgain

I am reading a paper 'Periodic nonlinear Schrodinger Equation and Invariant measure' by J.Bourgain. And I have a questions in the proof of lemma 3.10. Please click the paper title for the link. The ...
Lev Bahn's user avatar
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