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4 votes
1 answer

Combinatorial descriptions of the stationary distribution of a Markov chain

When I say "Markov chain" I think of a directed positively weighted (finite) graph, such that the sum of all edges going out of a vertex equals 1. Also I assume that it is aperiodic and irreducible. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Probability of an edge appearing in a spanning tree

Hi guys, let's say I have a connected, undirected graph with many nodes. I am interested in finding the probability that an edge appears in any spanning tree of the graph. I could apply some of the ...
21 votes
3 answers

Probability that random weights on $K_n$ satisfy triangle inequality

Given $K_n$, if a random real weight between $[0, 1]$ is chosen for every edge, what is the probability that the graph satisfies the triangle inequality? How about the discrete version, where the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Probability that a randomly filled Go board has a set of white stones connected through their von Neumann neighborhoods

I have an $N$ by $M$ grid (a Go board for example), where for every square in the grid, I place a white stone with probability $p$ and a black stone with probability $(1-p)$. We call two white stones ...
3 votes
1 answer

Cover time and intersection time of random walks

Consider a simple lazy random walk on an $n$-vertex undirected, connected graph: this is the Markov chain which transitions from $i$ to $j$ with probability $p_{ij}=1/(2d(i))$ where $d(i)$ is the ...
6 votes
1 answer

Number of connected components in a graph from G(n,m)

Hello, $G(n,m)$ is the family of all graphs with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges (I consider $m < n$). Each graph in $G(n,m)$ is selected with uniform probability. What is the probability that the ...
9 votes
1 answer

Correlation-Function for Random Graph Ising Model

For non-Ising'ers: Given a graph, we study the probability-distribution on the set of colorings ("Spin-up" and "-down") generated by a given correlation ("force to equality") between adjacient nodes (...
2 votes
0 answers

Subgraphs of bounded tree-width and preserving edges of original graph

Given a graph $G$, I would like to determine a method for randomly generating subgraphs $G'$ with the following properties: Each edge of $G$ has at least some probability $p$ of going into $G'$ The ...
3 votes
0 answers

The mean number of vertices in small connected components of random geometric graphs

I place $N$ points on a circular plane of radius $R$, and draw edges to connect points that are less than or equal to some distance $D$ to form a set of graphs or cliques $G_i$. As a function of $N$, ...
10 votes
1 answer

For what range of edge probability does the following property hold for random graphs?

Let $G(n,p)$ denote the Erdős–Rényi model of random graph. For a given function $p = p(n)$ we say that $G \in G(n,p)$ asymptotically almost surely has property $\mathcal{P}$ if $$\mbox{Pr}[G \mbox{ ...
10 votes
0 answers

Abelian sandpile models

This question is about a popular probabilistic model on graphs studied in physics, mostly, for the standard lattice in ${\mathbb R}^n$ but also on other graphs (this model is of the same spirit as ...
10 votes
3 answers

Random bipartite graphs

Consider the following situation: I have a set $A$ of $n$ vertices and a set $B$ of $N = n^2$vertices. I consider the bipartite graph $(A, B)$ and put at random $M = n^{1 + \varepsilon}$ edges (or I ...
12 votes
3 answers

Is there a simple inductive procedure for generating labeled trees uniformly at random, without direct recourse to Prüfer sequences?

Suppose you have a labeled tree $T$ on vertices $V=\lbrace 1,\ldots,n\rbrace$ that is drawn uniformly at random from the set of all $n^{n-2}$ such trees. I am seeking an $f$ satisfying the following ...
1 vote
2 answers

Probability of first return to starting vertex in Random walk on regular finite graph

Hi, this is related to this earlier question. Given Random walk on a regular graph $G=(V,E)$. The Random walk is simple so that transition probabilities are $1/\text{deg}(v_i)$, and time is in ...
7 votes
3 answers

Randomly contracting edges of a graph - expected number of vertices?

Let $G'$ be a graph obtained from $G$ after contracting each edge with probability $p$. Let $n = |V(G)|, e = |E(G)|$. I would like to compute (or at least obtain a lower bound) for $E[|V(G')|]$ in ...
4 votes
2 answers

# bridges in random connected graph

Suppose we have an Erdos random graph with $n$ vertices and $c n$ edges. What can you say about the probability that the graph is connected? (More importantly) If it is connected, what is the ...
11 votes
1 answer

(almost) statistical independence of nodes degrees in a graph

Wireless networks are typically modeled as random geometric graphs. The number of nodes $N$ in the network is drawn from a Poisson distribution with intensity $\lambda$ $$P(N = n) = \frac{\lambda^n ...
2 votes
0 answers

Connectivity in random points on a grid using a rope of fixed length.

This problem is a by product of another problem. I would like to restate this problem as a sort of a puzzle. Suppose we have a $l \times b$ grid. We select $k$ points on the grid randomly and ...
7 votes
2 answers

Assigning positive edge weights to a graph so that the weight incident to each vertex is 1.

Let $\Gamma=(G,E)$ be a connected undirected graph, with no loops or multiple edges. $G$ is finite or countably infinite. For each edge $e=\{x,y\}\in E$, we assign a positive, symmetric edge weight $...
0 votes
1 answer

Probability of preserving connectivity between pair of vertices in weighted graph

Let $G=(V,E)$ be an undirected graph and $p \colon E \mapsto (0,1]$ defines weights of its edges. Let's fix two connected vertices $v_1, v_2 \in V$. Random graph $G'=(V,E')$ is obtained from $G$ by ...
9 votes
1 answer

Probability of return vs. probability of return in minimal number of steps

Consider a random walk on a connected graph $G=(V,E)$. That is, associate to each neighbouring nodes $a,b\in V\ $ transition probabilities $\mathbb{P}(a\rightarrow b), \mathbb{P}(b\rightarrow a) $ ...
6 votes
2 answers

Has the following kind of (minimum degree $d$) random graph been studied?

The following random construction is simple enough that I am guessing it must have been studied. Fix $d \ge 3$, and let $n > d$. For each of the $n$ vertices, pick exactly $d$ other vertices to ...
9 votes
1 answer

Random walk on a simple finite network

Consider a graph $\Delta_N = \lgroup (x,y)\in\mathbb{Z}^2| x+y\leq N-1, x\geq 0,\ y\geq 0 \rgroup$ (set of edges is defined in a natural way): see here ). Take a random walker that wonders around ...
21 votes
11 answers

What are some good examples of non-monotone graph properties?

It seems that many, if not almost all, of the properties studied in graph theory are monotone. (Property means it is invariant under permutation of vertices, and monotone means that the property is ...
11 votes
3 answers

Rainbow matchings (in random graphs)

Suppose we have an $(n,n)$-bipartite graph with edges colored with $k$ colors. Is anything known about the existence of rainbow matchings (i.e. a matching that uses each color exactly once, for $k=n$) ...
4 votes
0 answers

Monotonic properties of harmonic functions on graphs

I have a question concerning monotonic properties of "generalized harmonic functions" on graphs. I am a physicist and I didn't take any separate courses in neither graph theory nor discrete harmonic ...
11 votes
2 answers

Covering a random graph with spanning trees.

Let $G=(V,E)$ be a connected graph, say $V=\{1,\ldots,n\}$. Let $F=(V,E')$ be a uniformly random forest in $G$. (In other words, $E'$ is a subset of edges $E$ not containing a cycle, and it is ...
19 votes
5 answers

What is the probability that two random walkers will meet?

It is a well known result that a random walk on a 2D lattice will return to the origin see Polya's random walk constant. Based on this, it is not a big stretch to conclude that the random walk will ...
9 votes
3 answers

Statistics for Second order properties of Random graphs

Hi! Let G(N) be the number of graphs with vertices {1, 2, ..., N} and GN(F) be the number of those of them which satisfy graph property F. There is a beautiful result by Glebskii and Fagin that limit ...
3 votes
0 answers

For Ising models on finite graphs, is the gradient of Z (w/r/t coupling and field) easier to compute than Z?

Suppose we have a graph $G$ with $n$ vertices, edgeset $E$, $\mathcal{X}=\{1,-1\}^n$. The partition function of the spin-1/2 Ising model on $G$ is $$Z(J,h)=\sum_{x\in \mathcal{X}} \exp\left(J \sum_{(...
3 votes
1 answer

Path cardinality for random $(a+b)$-ary infinite trees

Consider a random infinite binary tree $T(a,b)$, so that $a$ denotes the probability of a left edge branching from any root-connected node,and $b$ denotes the probability of a right edge branching ...
5 votes
1 answer

How to estimate the growth of the probability that $G(n, M)$ contains a $k$-clique

Let $k\geq 3$ be a fixed positive integer. Define $t_k(M)=\Pr[G(n, M) \text{contains a}\ k-\text{clique}]$, where $G(n, M)$ is the random graph uniformly distributed on all $n$-vertex graphs with $m$...
10 votes
1 answer

Random geometric graphs and spanners

I would grateful to learn of work mixing random geometric graphs with random graphs under the Erdős-Renyi model, and in particular concerning spanners. Select $n$ points uniformly at random from the ...
1 vote
2 answers

Correlation in graph coloring

Let $G$ be a (simple) graph. Given $k \ge \chi(G)$, define $Cor(G,k,u,v)$ to be the proportion among all $k$-colorings of $G$ for which the vertices $u$ and $v$ have the same color. Questions: ...
2 votes
2 answers

Cover time of weighted graphs

Consider a connected graph $G$ with non-negative weights on each edge. The sum of edge weights is the same for each vertex, call this sum $W$. A random walk on the graph at vertex $u$ transitions an ...
4 votes
6 answers

Reconstructing an ordering of a multiset from its consecutive submultisets

We have a multiset $S$ of size $t$ with $r$ distinct elements, where $t$ is much larger than $r$. We want to reconstruct an ordering $s_1, s_2, ... s_t$ of the elements of $S$ given the values of $t$ ...
25 votes
3 answers

Some models for random graphs that I am curious about

G(n,p) We are familiar with the standard notion of random graphs where you fixed the number n of vertices and choose every edge to belong to the graph with probability 1/2 (or p) independently. This ...
4 votes
1 answer

Negative Association of Component Size in Random Hypergraph

I have a $d$-uniform hypergraph on $n$ vertices with $k$ hyperedges, where $d << k$ and $n = 4k d^2$ or so. The hyperedges are placed independently uniformly at random. I would like to have a ...
9 votes
1 answer

Random Walks in $Z^2$/$Z^2$-intrinsic characterization of Euclidean distance

Problem: Consider a random walk on the lattice $\mathbb{Z}^2$ where on each iteration a particle either stays at its current location or moves to a neighboring vertex with probability 1/5. We start ...
6 votes
3 answers

'Focusing' the mass of the Probability Density Function for a Random Walk

Consider a random walk on a two-dimensional surface with circular reflecting boundary conditions (say, of radius 'R'). Here, for a fixed-size area, one finds a larger fraction of the probability ...

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