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Ask assistance for finding K. Sato - Lévy Processes on the Euclidean Spaces

The paper me and my professor want is called K. Sato (1995) Lévy Processes on the Euclidean Spaces, Lecture Notes, Institute of Mathematics, University of Zurich. I tried to find the paper on the ...
Zoël Li's user avatar
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2 answers

Paper request : “A random integral and Orlicz spaces” from K. Urbanick

I tried all my methods to find the paper : “K. Urbanik and WA Woyczynski, A random integral and Orlicz spaces, Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des sciences mathématiques, ...
Stochastic Student's user avatar
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Request for article in Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. (1981)

I am looking for the following article: Al-Hussaini, A. N. A projective limit view of $L_1$-bounded martingales. Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl.26 (1981), no.1, 51–54, but I can't find it anywhere. Do ...
mathex's user avatar
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Translation of Fakeev's Optimal Stopping Rules for Stochastic Processes with Continuous Parameter

I am looking for a translation of Fakeev's "Optimal Stopping Rules for Stochastic Processes with Continuous Parameter" from 1970. I can only find it in Russian. Does anyone know where to find this?
user123124's user avatar
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Looking for access to McKean's original paper?

I'm looking for the PDF version/scan of Henry P McKean Jr.'s paper on propagation of chaos. The reference is as follows - Propagation of chaos for a class of non-linear parabolic equations., In ...
almosteverywhere's user avatar