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Paper request: Alberto Collino, Griffiths’ infinitesimal invariant and higher K-theory on hyperelliptic Jacobians

I am trying to locate a copy of the paper by Alberto Collino titled "Griffiths’ infinitesimal invariant and higher K-theory on hyperelliptic Jacobians". I can neither download nor purchase ...
user6419's user avatar
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Is there an English translation of Monique Hakim's thesis?

Monique Hakim's thesis, published in 1972 as Topos annelés et schémas relatifs, has been referenced on a multitude of occasions. But I struggle to find a translation into English, even an informal one....
xuq01's user avatar
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Van der Waerden's classical paper on Hilbert polynomials and Bezout's theorem

Is it possible to obtain an electronic copy of Van der Waerden's "On Hilbert series of composition of ideals and generalisation of the Theorem of Bezout", Proceedings of the Koninklijke ...
pinaki's user avatar
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B. W. Jordan's thesis on arithmetic of Shimura curves

I'm looking for Bruce W. Jordan's thesis: On the diophantine arithmetic of Shimura curves. Thesis, Harvard University, 1981. I could not find the pdf at the following site. https://www.math.harvard....
k.j.'s user avatar
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Thomason's "open letter" to the mathematical community

In 1989, Bob Thomason left his CNRS position in Orsay and moved to Paris VII. It was during this period that he composed his "Open Letter" to the mathematical community. The letter explained ...
John Klein's user avatar
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Looking for an electronic copy of Huber's Bewertungsspektrum und rigide Geometrie

Lately I've been trying (and have failed) to find an electronic copy of Huber's Bewertungsspektrum und rigide Geometrie, which (from what I understand) is the original reference developing the basics ...
Emily's user avatar
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Articles of Casnati on algebraic varieties

I am attempting to track down online copies of the following two algebraic geometry articles. Is there some repository where these might be found? If necessary I could use the first few pages of each ...
Hollis Williams's user avatar
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On a series of lectures of Deligne on crystalline cohomology in characteristic $0$

In the introduction of Berthelot's book on crystalline cohomology [Ber74], one finds, on page 11, the following passage: i) des travaux de P. Deligne ([14], non publiés) prouvant en particulier le ...
Emily's user avatar
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Locating "Polynomial interpolation in several variables" by Alexander and Hirschowitz

I'm looking for a digital copy of the already classical paper "Polynomial interpolation in several variables" by Alexander and Hirschowitz, which in particular solves the problem of the generic Waring ...
Jose Brox's user avatar
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Fontaine, J.-M.; Illusie, L. p-adic periods------Does any one have the following article?

Fontaine, J.-M.; Illusie, L. p-adic periods: A survey. (English) Ramanan, S. (ed.) et al., Proceedings of the Indo-French conference on geometry held in Bombay, India, 1989. If anyone has the above ...
Sam Taylor's user avatar