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Torelli-like theorem for K3 surfaces on terms of its étale cohomology

Is there a proof of a Torelli-like Theorem for a K3-surface over any field (non complex) in terms of its etale or crystalline cohomology? For example: If $K\ne \mathbb{C} $ and $X\rightarrow \...
Rogelio Yoyontzin's user avatar
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Algebraic properties of Witt vectors $W(K^{\flat\circ})$, $K$ a characteristic 0 perfectoid field

Let $K$ be as in the title with tilt $K^\flat$. $W = W(K^{\circ\flat})$ satisfies a universal property: it is the unique $p$-adically complete $p$-torsion free $\mathbb{Z}_p$-algebra $A$ with $A / pA \...
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