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Semistability of the $\ell$-adic representation of variety with semistable reduction

The question is in the title, but here's some quick background. It's easy to show (assuming smooth-proper base change) that the $\ell$-adic cohomology of a variety over the fraction field of a DVR ...
Nico's user avatar
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Syntomic f-cohomology for open varieties

Syntomic cohomology $H^{i+j}_{\mathrm{syn}}(X,n)$ of a proper variety $X$ with good reduction over a $p$-adic field $K$ is computed via a spectral sequence in terms of $H^i_{\mathrm{f}}(G_K;H^j_{\...
David Corwin's user avatar
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Triple comparison of cohomology in algebraic geometry

Let $X$ be a smooth proper variety over $\mathbb{Q}$ and $p$ a prime number. For an integer $k$, we have: a finitely-generated abelian group $H^k(X^{\mathrm{an}}(\mathbb{C});\mathbb{Z})$ a finitely-...
David Corwin's user avatar
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Reference request: good reduction equivalent to crystalline étale cohomology

Suppose $X$ is an abelian variety over a $p$-adic field $K$, and it's well known that $X$ has good reduction is equivalent to the étale cohomology of $X$ is crystalline, and $X$ has semistable ...
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Is the Frobenius semisimple on the de-Rham cohomology?

Suppose $K$ is a unramified finite extension of $\mathbb Q_p$, and $X$ is a projective smooth curve defined over $K$. By $p$-adic Hodge theory we know $D_{cris}(H_{et}^i(X,\mathbb Q_p))=H_{dR}^i(X)$. ...
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$p$-adic étale cohomology group of open smooth varieties

Let $K$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$ and let $X$ be a smooth variety over $K$. Dr. Yamashita announced that he had proved the Galois representation of $p$-adic étale cohomology group $H^*_{\...
OOOOOO's user avatar
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Calculating étale fundamental groups from the usual fundamental group

$\newcommand{Spec}{\operatorname{Spec}}$Let $X$ be a connected affine smooth variety over $\mathbb{Q}$, with a point $x\in X(\Spec(\mathbb{Q})$. For any algebraically closed field $K$ of ...
FPV's user avatar
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Intuition for de Rham comparison theorem in $p$-adic Hodge theory

The de Rham comparison theorem from $p$-adic Hodge theory compares the etale cohomology of a variety with the de Rham cohomology of that variety. It says the following: Let $K/\mathbf{Q}_p$ be a ...
Adithya Chakravarthy's user avatar
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$p$-adic étale cohomology groups are not $\mathbb{C}_p$-admissible

It is stated in Caruso - An introduction to $p$-adic period rings (the remarks following equation (2)) that the $p$-adic étale cohomology groups of an algebraic variety $X$ over a finite extension $K$ ...
Tuvasbien's user avatar
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Smooth proper varieties over the integers that are not toric

Does there exist a smooth proper variety $X$ over $\operatorname{Spec} \mathbb Z$ that is not toric? By Fontaine, we know that there is no Abelian scheme over $\operatorname{Spec} \mathbb Z$. Also by ...
Asvin's user avatar
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$l$-adic Galois representations factor through a common finite quotient

Let $X$ be a smooth projective geometrically connected variety over $\mathbb{Q}$. Assume that for some $m>0$ we have $h^{i, 2m-i}(X)=0$ unless $i=m$. Does there exist a number field $E$ such that ...
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$p$-adic Galois representation and Étale homology

Let $X$ be a smooth proper scheme over some $p$-adic field $K$. The "usual" way to get a Galois representation out of this is to consider the étale cohomology (either $p$ or $\ell$-adic). ...
curious math guy's user avatar
14 votes
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Is there a version of algebraic de Rham cohomology that can be used to calculate torsion classes?

Much work has gone into the construction of cohomology theories which are defined on algebraic varieties (étale, crystalline, etc.) and comparison isomorphisms between them. Say $X$ is an algebraic ...
user1092847's user avatar
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Berthelot’s comparison theorem and functoriality

Let $A$ be a noetherian $p$-adically complete ring with an ideal $I$ equipped with a PD structure and such that $p$ is nilpotent on $A/I$. Let $S = \text{Spec}(A)$, $S_0 = \text{Spec}(A/I)$, $Y\to S$ ...
Ari's user avatar
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Hodge-Tate weights of etale cohomology groups

Given a smooth algebraic variety $X$ over a number field $F$, its $p$-adic cohomology groups $H^i(X \times_F \bar F, \mathbb Q_p)$ carries an action of $\mathrm{Gal}(\bar F/F)$, which gives a ...
Shawn's user avatar
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Comparison for cycle class maps for de Rham and etale cohomology via p-adic Hodge theory

Let $K$ be a p-adic local field, $X$ a smooth projective variety over $Spec(K)$, $CH^k(X)$ the Chow group of pure codimension $k$. Then there are cycle maps $cl^X_{DR}:CH^k(X)\to H^{2k}_{DR}(X/K)$ ...
Bonbon's user avatar
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Comparison theorem between étale and de Rham cohomology for local system

This question is based on Milne "canonical models of Shimura varieties and automorphic vector bundles" Let $(G,X)$ be a Shimura datum, $(V,\xi)$ be a rational representation of $G$ (I guess it means ...
user99616's user avatar
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Tate's conjecture and symmetry of Hodge-Tate weights

I'm reading Bellaiche's notes on the Block-Kato conjecture (Hawaii summer school). Here is the link At page 10 he claims that an indirect ...
Bear's user avatar
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Hodge-Tate weights of etale cohomology

Let $K/\mathbb Q_p$ be a local field, $X/K$ a proper scheme with semi-stable reduction. Question: What is the possible range of Hodge-Tate weights of the etale cohomology $H^i(X_{\overline K}, \...
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