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The bound for zeros of the composition of polynomials and analytic functions

Suppose $K$ is a number field, and $A\in M_n(K)$. $v$ is a place of $K$, and $f_1,\cdots,f_n$ are analytic functions (one variable) on $m_v\mathcal O_{K,v}$, satisfying: $\frac{\mathrm d \bf {f}}{\...
Richard's user avatar
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p-adic period map in Lawrence and Venkatesh

In Lawrence and Venkatesh's paper on the Mordell conjecture, they prove that there are finitely many $K$-rational points on a hyperbolic curve $X$, where $K$ is a number field, by showing that there ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Elementary aspects of The Fargues-Fontaine curve

To any pair $(E,F)$, where $E$ is a local field and $F$ is a perfectoid field, one can associate a curve $X^{\text{FF}}_{E,F}$, the so-called Fargues-Fontaine curve, which is unique up to Frobenius ...
QGravity's user avatar
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Reference Request: Specialization map in Huber's Context

The specialization map $sp:\mathfrak{X}_\eta\to \mathfrak{X}_{red}$ has an important role in rigid analytic geometry. I tried looking in Huber's papers ("Continuous Valuations", "A generalization of ...
Ian Gleason's user avatar
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p-adic Poincaré Lemma

suppose $X$ is a proper and smooth rigid analytic variety over $\text{Spa}(k)$, with $k$ a non-archimedean field of characteristic zero. One has the de Rham complex of analytic differential forms on $...
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