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Condensed criterion for sheafiness of adic spaces

Multiple times in talks about condensed mathematics (e.g. the Masterclass talks, Clausen's RAMpAGe talk), it is stated that the derived structure sheaf given by the condensed formalism "fixes&...
Jack J. Garzella's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

p-adic Poincaré Lemma

suppose $X$ is a proper and smooth rigid analytic variety over $\text{Spa}(k)$, with $k$ a non-archimedean field of characteristic zero. One has the de Rham complex of analytic differential forms on $...
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Elementary aspects of The Fargues-Fontaine curve

To any pair $(E,F)$, where $E$ is a local field and $F$ is a perfectoid field, one can associate a curve $X^{\text{FF}}_{E,F}$, the so-called Fargues-Fontaine curve, which is unique up to Frobenius ...
QGravity's user avatar
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Describing the ratio of uniformizers in B_dR

In Conrad and Brinon's notes, two uniformizers of $B_{dR}$ are produced: one is $\xi := [\tilde{p}]-p$ (bottom of p.58), where $\tilde{p} = (p, p^{1/p}...
Tony's user avatar
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Reference Request: Specialization map in Huber's Context

The specialization map $sp:\mathfrak{X}_\eta\to \mathfrak{X}_{red}$ has an important role in rigid analytic geometry. I tried looking in Huber's papers ("Continuous Valuations", "A generalization of ...
Ian Gleason's user avatar
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Complete characteristic p perfect Tate rings are uniform?

In Lemma 7.1.6 of his lecture notes on perfectoid spaces, Bhatt states that every complete characteristic p perfect Tate ring $A$ is uniform. In the proof he uses the Banach open mapping theorem on ...
Corvin Paul's user avatar
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How does an analytic space correspond to a $p$-adic Banach space

Let $K$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$, and $V$ be a Banach algebra over $K$, then what is the $K$-analytic space corresponding to $V$? What is the definition of $K$-analytic space? This is ...
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A definition of a (amalgamated) direct sum

I am wondering about a definition of a direct sum in page $31$ of this paper by R. Liu. I am following the notations in page $31$ of the above paper. Let $V$ be a crystalline irreducible ...
MathStudent's user avatar
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Katz $p$-adic L function and ordinary condition

Let $H$ be a CM field and $F$ be the maximal totally real subfield of $H$. Can we construct a Katz $p$-adic L-functions of Hecke characters without the ordinary condition (i.e every prime of $F$ above ...
Adel BETINA's user avatar
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$p$-adic series bounded if and only if it has finitely many zeros

Let $L\subseteq\mathbb{C}_p$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$, $r$ be a positive real number, and $f$ be a series $\sum_{n\in \mathbb{Z}} a_nz^n$ convergent in $D= \{x\in \mathbb{C}_p|0<v(x)\...
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Smooth intertwining operators

Let $V$ be a crystalline irreducible representation of the absolute Galois group of $\mathbb{Q}_p$ with distinct Hodge Tate weights $(0,k-1), k \in \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 2}$. Then $V$ is uniquely ...
MathStudent's user avatar
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p-adic period map in Lawrence and Venkatesh

In Lawrence and Venkatesh's paper on the Mordell conjecture, they prove that there are finitely many $K$-rational points on a hyperbolic curve $X$, where $K$ is a number field, by showing that there ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Crystalline extension the $p$-adic cyclotomic character

Let $\epsilon_p$ be the $p$-adic cyclotomic character, $F$ be a real quadratic extension of $\mathbb{Q}$ in which $p$ splits, $\psi$ be an odd character of $G_\mathbb{Q}$ of finite image and with ...
Adel BETINA's user avatar
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A question on the Robba ring

Notation is as in the question: We define a new operator over the Robba ring as follows. Put $$c=\frac{pE(u)}{E(0)}...
lzhao's user avatar
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p-adic representations of $GL_2(\mathbb{Q}_p)$

Let $L$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$. Colmez defines here the trainguline representations which are extensions of Robba rings of dimension $1$. Then, in this paper he contructs the ...
MathStudent's user avatar
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extension of the universal cyclotomic character

Let $p$ be a prime number, $\psi:G_\mathbb{Q} \rightarrow \bar{\mathbb{Q}}_p$ be an odd character of conductor $N$ prime to $p$, with finite image and such that $\psi(p)=1$. Let $\mathcal{W}$ be the ...
Adel BETINA's user avatar
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Locally analytic vectors of a quotient space

My question here is in connection with one of my previous question "A definition of a (amalgamated) direct sum" Following the notations there, my question is: Why the locally analytic vectors of $B(...
MathStudent's user avatar
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Can a p-adic ball cover a p-adic ball?

Are there a polynomials $f_1,...f_n \in \mathbb{Z}_p[x_1,...x_n]$ with there coeficients $p$-adic integers s.t. A map $F:\mathbb{Z}_p^n\rightarrow \mathbb{Z}_p^n$ defined by $f_1,...f_n$ satisfy the ...
George's user avatar
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Is the completion of the field generated by torsion points of a 1-dimensional formal group perfectoid?

Let $K$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$ and let $G$ be a 1-dimensional formal group defined over $\mathcal{O}_K$. Consider the field $K_\infty$ obtained by adjoining to $K$ all the solutions ...
xlord's user avatar
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The bound for zeros of the composition of polynomials and analytic functions

Suppose $K$ is a number field, and $A\in M_n(K)$. $v$ is a place of $K$, and $f_1,\cdots,f_n$ are analytic functions (one variable) on $m_v\mathcal O_{K,v}$, satisfying: $\frac{\mathrm d \bf {f}}{\...
Richard's user avatar
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the definition of pro-infinitesimal thickenings

Let $R$ be a ring and $A$ and $R$-algebra. A pro-infinitesimal thickening of $R$ is a pair $(D, \theta)$ such that $\theta: D \rightarrow R$ is surjective and $D$ is separated and complete for the $I:=...
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