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Riemannian submanifolds of $2$-Wasserstein space

In the article "Wasserstein Geometry Of Gaussian Measures" by Asuka Takatsu the author shows how the space of d-dimensional Gaussian probability measures with non-singular covariance ...
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What does $g_x^{-1}$ mean where $g$ is a Riemannian metric?

I am reading this paper about the Wasserstein-Fisher-Rao distance and they define the Wasserstein-Fisher-Rao distance on a manifold as follows (page 9): Here, $M$ is a compact Riemannian manifold, $\...
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Are convex functions on manifolds the same as $c$-convex functions, where $c(x,y)=d(x,y)^2/2$?

I am reading the following book on optimal transport. While reading I came across the following definition of $c-$convexity. Given $X$ and $Y$ metric spaces, $c: X \times Y \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, ...
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