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Group algebras and group automorphisms

Say, we have a countable ICC group $G$, a Hilbert space $H$ with a basis indexed by the group elements, the group algebra generated by the left regular representation of $G$ on this Hilbert space, and ...
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Are these element in a group algebra of a torsion-free group zero divisors?

Let $G$ be an arbitrary torsion-free group. For $x,y\in G$, which of these elements‌ can be decided immediately not to be zero divisors in $\mathbb ZG$ (or in $\mathbb CG$)? $$1+x+y,\quad 4+x+x^{-1}+y+...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Find the trace for some elements in group algebra

Let $K=\langle b,c,d\mid b^{2}=c^{2}=d^{2}=bcd=1\rangle $. Now we consider $$D=K*\mathbb Z/2\mathbb Z=\left\{a,b,c,d\mid a^{2}=b^{2}=c^{2}=d^{2}=bcd=1\right\}$$ where $*$ is the free product. Then we ...
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Reference for von Neumann algebras coming from a group algebra twisted by a 2-cocycle?

I am looking at a von Neumann algebra constructed from a discrete group and a 2-cocylce. Does someone know some good references (article, book)? It would be very helpful for me. To be more precise, ...
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