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what is the relationship betwen $L(s,sym^mf\times sym^mg)$ symmetric L function of $f$ and $g$ and $\lambda_{f}(n^m)$, $\lambda_{g}(n^m)$?

what is the relationship betwen $L(s,sym^mf\times sym^mg)$ symmetric L function of $f$ and $g$ and $\lambda_{f}(n^m)$, $\lambda_{g}(n^m)$ ?
Li Xnu's user avatar
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Real modular form, inverse transform

The real Eisenstein series $G_s^* = \frac{\Gamma(s)}{\pi^s} \sum'_{m,n}\frac{Im(\tau)}{|m+n \tau|^{2s}}$ admits the following integral representation (their Mellin transform): $G_s^* = \frac{1}{2}...
fernando's user avatar
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Possible to have Poisson Summation formula with coefficient of modular forms? (for some functions)

Taking a modular form such that we have Fricke involution: $\sum_{n=1} a_n e^{-\pi nx^2} = \frac{A}{x^k} \sum_{n=1} a_n e^{-\pi \frac{n}{x^2}}$ [1] I would like to know if there exists results on ...
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