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Non commutative Teichmuller theory

Perhaps the first example in Teichmuller theory is the following proposition: Proposition: Let $1<r<R$. Then two annular region $U_r=\{z\in \mathbb{C}\bigm|1<|z|<r\}$ and $U_R=\{z\in \...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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The group of quasi unitary elements of a (simple) Banach algebra

For a Banach algebra $A$ with invertible group $G(A)$ we define the following group: $$QG(A)=\{u\in G(A)\mid \;\text{the mapping}\; a\mapsto u^{-1} a u \;\text{is an isometry}\}$$ What is an ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar