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Questions tagged [motivation]

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What are hyperkähler metrics used for?

It seems that a lot of effort has been devoted to endow holomorphic-symplectic manifolds with hyperkähler metrics. It started with Calabi [4] with $T^*\mathbb{CP}^n$. Other examples include coadjoint ...
user129123's user avatar
8 votes
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Motivating derived stacks via Euclidean geometry

Here (see Section 3) triangles in Euclidean plane are used to motivate the notion of DM stack (an equilateral triangle has more symmetries than a generic triangle). Can something similar be done to ...
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7 votes
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Snazzy applications of Several Complex Variables techniques

I am starting to dive into a study of Several Complex Variables. I would like to have a few guiding examples of "big payoffs". These should be very natural sounding theorems which depend on a lot of ...
6 votes
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Relative cohomology in algebraic topology vs algebraic geometry

There is a notion of relative cohomology in both algebraic topology and algebraic geometry and the flexibility granted by this relative viewpoint is quite powerful in both cases. However, the two ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Applications of Iss'sa's theorem on homomorphisms between algebras of meromorphc functions

In Remmert's book Funktionentheorie II, the following theorem, apparently due to Hironaka under the pseudonym Iss'sa, is proved: Let $U,V \subseteq \mathbb{C}$ be open subsets. Every $\mathbb{...
user91363's user avatar