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Variants of the Bonk-Schramm embedding

Recently I heard about the following embedding theorem of Bonk and Schramm: every Gromov hyperbolic geodesic metric space with "bounded growth" is roughly similar to a convex subset of $\...
Takao Hishikori's user avatar
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Finitely generated groups non-embeddable into $L_1(0,1)$

I am interested in finitely generated groups which, endowed with their word metrics, do not admit bilipschitz embeddings into $L_1(0,1)$. I know two classes of such groups: (1) Heisenberg group $\...
Mikhail Ostrovskii's user avatar
11 votes
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Embeddings of finitely generated groups into uniformly convex Banach spaces

de Cornulier, Tessera, and Valette (Geom. Funct. Anal. 17 (2007), 770-792) conjectured that a finitely generated group $G$ with its word metric admits a bilipschitz embedding into a Hilbert space if ...
Mikhail Ostrovskii's user avatar