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Wasserstein space isomorphic to original space?

Is there a complete measurable metric space $(X,d)$ for which its $p$-Wasserstein space $W(X)$ is isometrically isomorphic to $(X,d)$ for some $p \in [1,\infty]$? Note that there is a canonical non-...
Florentin Münch's user avatar
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Convergence in the Wasserstein metric and the square root function

Let $f$ be a smooth probability distribution on the unit square $S$ such that $f(x)>0$ on $S$. Let $\{g_i\}$ be a sequence of smooth probability distributions such that $g_i(x)>0$ on $S$ as ...
James Wallin's user avatar
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Trasportation metric (AKA Earth-Mover's, Wasserstein, etc.) as "natural" / "induced"?

Context: Given a discrete finite metric space $X$ (in my case X={0,1}$^n$ with the Hamming/L$_1$ distance), I need to define the natural or canonical metric on the set of all probability distributions ...
Matteo Mainetti's user avatar