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Solving a block tridiagonal system with diagonal perturbations

Say we have a block tridiagonal matrix, $T \in \mathbb{R}^{NL \times NL}$, with constant off diagonals, $\mathbf{B} \in \mathbb{R}^{L\times L}$, given by $$ T = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{A}_1 & \...
matthewd49's user avatar
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For the purposes of solving linear equations, is there a fast decomposition that works for all Hermitian matrices?

Let $A$ be an arbitrary Hermitian matrix. Is there a way of efficiently factorizing $A$ for the purposes of solving $Ax = b$ for arbitrary $b$? There are two decompositions I'm aware of that nearly ...
wlad's user avatar
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Best orthogonal approximation of rank 1 matrix

Let $X=\lambda_0u_0v_0^T\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ be a rank 1 matrix where $\lambda_0\in\mathbb{R}$, $u_0,v_0$ are of unit Euclidean norm. What is the solution of the following problem? $$\hat{X}=\...
neverevernever's user avatar
11 votes
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Decide if a matrix is transposable

A matrix $M$ is called transposable if it can be transformed into its transpose $M^t$ via row and column permutations. Is there an efficient a way/algorithm to decide if a given matrix is ...
Stefan Blausberg's user avatar
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Square root of a large sparse symmetric positive definite matrix

I am trying to calculate $$Y = A^{\frac 12} X$$ where $A$ is a very large and sparse positive definite matrix, say, $10^4 \times 10^4$. Matrix $X$ is known and, say, $10^4 \times 100$. Is there any ...
messcode's user avatar
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Recurrence Equation and Matrix Convergence

To begin with, let us give the conceptual background needed to expose the problem. First of all, we shall consider the set $\mathbb{L}^{n} = \mathbb{R}^{n}_{\geq0} = \{\overrightarrow{x}\in\mathbb{R}^{...
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21 votes
3 answers

What is the time complexity of truncated SVD?

Full SVD, on an $m \times n$ matrix $A$, [U,S,V] = svd(A), would cost $O(m^2n + mn^2 + n^3)$ time. But what is the time complexity if we only need the $k$ largest ...
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