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6 votes
2 answers

Sheafification of loop scheme/group

Let $X$ be a scheme over $K = k((t))$, where $k$ is a field. We define the loop scheme $LX$ to be the functor from the category of $k$-algebras to sets by $R \mapsto LX(R) := X(Spec (R((t))))$. Do we ...
userabc's user avatar
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21 votes
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Reconciling the affine grassmannian and the based loop group

I'm trying to reconcile the differences between the (algebraic) based loop group and the affine grassmannian. I once believed that I understood the relationship, but I just read a paper which has ...
Tyler Holden's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Real varieties with enough algebraic loops

Let $(X,\sigma)$ be a complex variety with complex conjugation (equivalently, an algebraic variety over $\mathbb R$). We use the notations $X(\mathbb R):=X^\sigma$ for the set of fixed points of $X$ ...
André Henriques's user avatar