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Is a filtered colimit of rational spaces again rational?

Let me first explain the statement of the question and then give some indication why the answer might be 'yes'. By a space I mean, say, a simplicial set and by rational I mean rational in the sense of ...
Thomas Nikolaus's user avatar
10 votes
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Smashing localizations in the category of spectra

Let $E$ be a spectrum. Then $E$ determines an idempotent localization functor $L_E: \mathrm{Sp} \to \mathrm{Sp}$ sending each spectrum to its $E$-localization. The functor $L_E$ generally does not ...
Akhil Mathew's user avatar
  • 25.6k
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Spectra and localizations of the category of topological spaces

Can we construct the category of spectra (or maybe just its homotopy category) from the category of pointed topological spaces using some kind of localization combined with other categorical ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar