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Is a filtered colimit of rational spaces again rational?

Let me first explain the statement of the question and then give some indication why the answer might be 'yes'. By a space I mean, say, a simplicial set and by rational I mean rational in the sense of ...
Thomas Nikolaus's user avatar
22 votes
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When does rationalization commute with homotopy fixed points?

Let $X$ be a $G$-space. There are a number of places in the literature where one can find the claim that under certain conditions rationalization and taking homotopy fixed points with respect to a ...
skupers's user avatar
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19 votes
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What is classified by generalised Eilenberg MacLane spaces?

Given an abelian group $A$, the Eilenberg MacLane spaces $K(A,n)$ represent the the nth cohomology group in $A$. In a similar vein, given an arbitrary group $G$ and a space $X$, maps to the ...
Patrick Elliott's user avatar
10 votes
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Example of a saturated class of morphisms which is not _obviously_ saturated?

By "saturated class of morphisms" in a category $\mathcal{C}$, I mean a subcategory $\mathcal{W} \subset \mathcal{C}$ such that the image of $\mathcal{W}$ in $\mathcal{C}[\mathcal{W}^{-1}]$ consists ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
8 votes
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Model categories as a tool to resolve size issues for localizing categories

I have a rather basic question about one motivation for introducing model categories in David White's notes, as a possible way to overcome troubles with size issues appearing when localizing a ...
user267839's user avatar
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Slices for certain $C_p$-spectrum

By the work of Hill-Yarnall, for the group $G=C_p,$ all the slices for any spectrum, in particular, for $S^V \wedge H\underline{\mathbb{Z}}$, are classified. Here $V$ is a representation of $C_p.$ ...
Surojit Ghosh's user avatar
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Analog of cellular approximation theorem for $CW_0$-complexes ($CW_\mathcal P$-complexes)

$CW_0$-complexes are analogs of $CW$-complexes, in which the "building blocks" are the rational disks $D^{n+1}_0$ whose boundaries are given by $\partial D^{n+1}_0= S^n_0$, where $S^n_0$ is a ...
Bashar Saleh's user avatar
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Weak equivalences of left Bousfield localizations

Suppose C is a complete and cocomplete category with two model structures (C0,F0,W0) and (C1,F1,W1) such that C0⊃C1, F0⊂F1, W0⊂W1. If necessary, the model structures can be assumed to be simplicial, ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
4 votes
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A question related to bousfield localization and nilpotent completion

I am reading Bousfield's paper entitled "The localization of spectra with respect to homology" (MSN). In that paper, Corollary 6.13 states that, if a ring spectrum $E$ has countable homotopy and ...
Surojit Ghosh's user avatar