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When is an increasing union a colimit?

Let's consider a diagram $\Phi: \lambda \to \mathcal{T}_*$ $$ X_0 \to X_1 \to \cdots \to X_\xi \to X_{\xi+1} \to \cdots $$ of pointed spaces, indexed by some ordinal $\lambda$, in which each $X_\xi$ ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Reference for homotopy colimit = total complex

I'm looking for a reference for the following fact: take a simplicial chain complex $ X:\Delta^{op}\to Ch_{\geq 0}(\mathcal A)$ for $\mathcal A$ a nice abelian category (say, cocomplete with enough ...
Maxime Ramzi's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Existence of homotopy limits and colimits in model categories

I am not an expert, thus I apologize if my question is very naive. Let $\mathsf{M}$ be a model category (I do not assume any functoriality on the factorization), Q1. Is there a reference where it is ...
Ivan Di Liberti's user avatar
17 votes
10 answers

References for homotopy colimit

(1) What are some good references for homotopy colimits? (2) Where can I find a reference for the following concrete construction of a homotopy colimit? Start with a partial ordering, which I will ...
Kevin Walker's user avatar
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