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2 votes
3 answers

Reference Request for Integer factorization with LP/ILP

Have there been attempts to factor integers with Linear Programming? Searching the internet suggests that for Integer Factorization only Number Theoretic algorithms, like sieves, are taken into ...
1 vote
2 answers

basis of the lattice generated by the integer points inside a subspace of R^L

Consider $K$ linearly independent vectors $\mathbf{a}_1, \mathbf{a}_2, ..., \mathbf{a}_K \in \mathbb{Z}^L$, where $1 \leq K<L $. Hence, the span of $\lbrace\mathbf{a}_1, \mathbf{a}_2, ..., \mathbf{...
6 votes
0 answers

Efficient solutions to general Bézout’s identity $a_1 b_1 + \dots + a_n b_n = 1$

Suppose I have integers $a_1, \dots, a_n$ which are coprime, meaning that $$a_1 b_1 + \dots + a_n b_n = 1$$ has a solution in integers $b_1, \dots, b_n$. I would like to get a bound saying ...
2 votes
0 answers

What does Lenstra's MILP do?

Honestly I do not understand why Lenstra's MILP is in $P$ if the number of integer dimensions is fixed. Here is what Lenstra says in '' in ...
3 votes
1 answer

Name search for special Linear Integer Program

I am looking for a name for the following question in literature! (and if you know it, then it would be great) I couldn't find it and due to wide audience here, presumably you know more. Thank you $...
2 votes
0 answers

Reference request: Edmond's Algorithm for integer hull

I'm looking for a good reference for the algorithm (supposedly by Edmonds) to compute the integer hull of a polytope, not by cutting plane methods but by starting with a set of integer points and then ...
1 vote
0 answers

Complexity of Nested Linear Optimization

My question is motivated by the fact, that among other ways, it is possible to restrict a variable to two discrete values, e.g. the prototypical $0$ and $1$, via an optimization constraint: $$\max(\...