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Does $2^{\aleph_0}\rightarrow [\aleph_1]^2_3$ require that the continuum is weakly inaccessible?

A classic result of Sierpiński shows that $2^{\aleph_0}\nrightarrow [\aleph_1]^2_2$, that is, there is a coloring of pairs of real numbers using two colors such that both colors appear on any ...
Todd Eisworth's user avatar
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Ramsey's infinite principle and the axiom of choice

Frank Plumpton Ramsey, best known for giving his name to Ramsey Theory, presented the following theorem in On a Problem of Formal Logic, that was submitted in 1928 and published posthumously. Let $\...
Brendan McKay's user avatar
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A two-colouring of a complete graph over the set of incompressible strings

A two-coloring is done over the (infinite) set all incompressible strings (in some chosen alphabet); such that, an edge between two strings is blue if and only if, the strings are of equal lengths and ...
ARi's user avatar
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Group graphs and Ramsey theory. Sub-question 1

Question: Find/compute relations between the classical Ramsey numbers and their variations (described below) -- exact or asymptotic. A graph is a set $\ X\ $ together with a (coloring) function $\ c:\...
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