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Chaotic dynamics of maps on unit square that are NOT Triangular

We will denote the compact interval $[0,1]$ by $I$ and the unit square $[0,1]\times[0,1]$ by $I^2$. Triangular map on $I^2$ is a continuous map $F:I^2\to I^2$ of the form $F(x,y)=(f(x),g(x,y))$ where $...
confused's user avatar
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A (possible) generic spectral property in one dimensional dynamics

Context and Definitions Consider the interval $I=[0,1]$. We say that $T:I\to I$ satisfies the axiom A (I am following [1]) if: $T$ has a finite number of hyperbolic periodic attractors; and defining $...
Matheus Manzatto's user avatar
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On invariant cones of the Katok map

I am studying the Katok map and similarly constructed examples of nonuniformly hyperbolic surface diffeomorphisms. An important part of the analysis of these diffeomorphisms is the invariance of a ...
D. Ford's user avatar
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Algebraic approach to prove the mixing property of Lorenz flow on hyperbolic surface

We knew that the noncompact subgroups of SL(2,$\mathbb{R}$) are mixing by Howe-Moore ergodicity theorem. I am curious about Lorenz flow, if we have a algebraic approach to prove the mixing property of ...
Skid Row's user avatar
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Example of topologically transitive dynamical system with invariant non-ergodic Borel measure

Let $U \subset M$ be an open subset of a Riemannian manifold. I’m trying to find or construct an example of a topologically transitive dynamical system $f : U \to U$ for which $f : \Lambda \to \...
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