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A "concrete" example of a one-sided Hopf algebra

I came to know from the paper Left Hopf Algebras by Green, Nichols and Taft that one may consider a Hopf algebra whose antipode satisfies only the left (resp. right) antipode condition. To be more ...
Ender Wiggins's user avatar
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How to define $U_q \mathfrak{g}$ without generators and relations?

I'm trying to learn something about quantum groups. The related definitions tend to consist of formulas which are not extremely intuitive, on the first glance. So I wonder how the amount of formulas ...
igorf's user avatar
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Cosemi-simple FRT Hopf Algebras

This question is a somewhere similar variation on an old question of mine. Given an FRT-algebra, which is to say, roughly, that it can be constructed from an R-matrix in the Yang--Baxter sense (see ...
Abo Kutis-Felan's user avatar
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Module algebras and comodule algebras

Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra and $A$ an algebra. Let $H^*$ be the dual Hopf algebra of $H$. Then by Proposition 1.6.11 in the book Foundations of Quantum Group Theory by Shahn Majid, $A$ is a right $H$-...
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