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6 votes
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Estimating the Hausdorff dimension of the discontinuity set of a function

Suppose $\sum_{\xi \in \mathbb{Z}^d}{a_{\xi}}e^{i\langle x, \xi\rangle }$ converges spherically pointwise to $0$ for all $x \in \mathbb{T}^d$, i.e. $\lim_{R \to \infty} \sum_{|\xi| < R}{a_{\xi}}e^{...
15 votes
4 answers

Steinhaus theorem and Hausdorff dimension

Assume for simplicity that sets $A_i\subset\mathbb{R}$ are compact. If $A_1$ and $A_2$ have positive length, then $A_1+A_2$ contains an interval. That is a variant of the classical Steinhaus theorem ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is Kakeya conjecture open with some additional regularity condition on Kakeya map?

in the paper, ON KAKEYA MAPS WITH REGULARITY ASSUMPTIONS, the author of the paper consider the Kakeya conjecture with some regularity on Kakeya map, Kekeya conjecture[Hausdorff dimension version] If ...