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19 votes
1 answer

Knight's tours in higher dimensions

I wonder if Knight's Tours have been explored in higher dimensions, using the following definition of a knight move. In dimension $d=2$, the knight moves left/right and forward/back one step and two ...
8 votes
2 answers

Orthogonal Hamiltonian cycles in (n x n x n) grids

Let $C_n$ be a cubical $n \times n \times n$ subset of the integer lattice, so consisting of $n^3$ vertices. I am interested in special Hamiltonian cycles in $C_n$, special in the sense that (a) each ...
4 votes
0 answers

Is this case of Barnette's Conjecture known?

Context: Barnette's Conjecture is that every bipartite cubic polyhedral graph is Hamiltonian. I have been interested by this problem for a long time, and I recently came up with a result. From my ...