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Questions tagged [half-integral-weight]

Questions about half-integral weight modular forms, and more generally automorphic representations associated to metaplectic groups.

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14 votes
3 answers

Do L-functions exist for Half-integral weight modular forms?

Classically, we can attach $L$-functions (with properties like, analytic continuation, functional equation) to Dirichlet characters, Hecke eigenforms, etc... My question is: can one attach $L$-...
N. Kumar's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Why only half-integral weight automorphic forms?

Why is that the theory of automorphic forms concentrates on the case of half-integral weight? I read in Borel's book "Automorphic forms on $SL_2$" (Section 18.5) that by considering the finite or ...
Valerie's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Odd powers of the theta function as eigenforms

Is it "well-known" which odd powers of the theta function are eigenforms for the half-integral weight Hecke operators? If so, what is a good reference? Is there a slick algorithm for proving ...
Underflow's user avatar