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Solving sparse bilinear systems with a relatively large number of variables

I'm trying to solve a bilinear system of equations over a finite field. (More specifically: I'm trying to find a single solution, if one exists.) The system consists of equations of the form $$y^T A_i ...
Sic Vis's user avatar
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Resultants and elimination theory

Consider an ideal $I = \langle f_1,\dotsc,f_n\rangle$ in the ring $k[x_1,\dotsc,x_m]$. Define the $i$-th elimination ideal to be $I_i = I \cap k[x_{i+1},\dotsc,x_m]$. For any two polynomials $f$ and $...
giulio bullsaver's user avatar
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Dependence of the complexity of solving polynomial sytems on the multidegree

Let $f_1,\ldots,f_n\in \mathbb{Q}[X_1,\ldots,X_n]$ be a system of $n$ polynomials in $n$ indeterminant, which only has finitely many solutions. Supose that the each of the variables $X_i$ appears at ...
Ben's user avatar
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Automatic proof in Euclidean Geometry using Theory of Groebner Bases

I've done the same question in math.stackexchange here "
mayer_vietoris's user avatar
14 votes
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Gröbner basis for Sudoku

I'm trying to write a program that solves Sudokus using Gröbner bases. I introduced $81$ variables, $x_1$ to $x_{81}$, this is a linearisation of the Sudoku board. The space of valid Sudokus is ...
Ingdas's user avatar
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Can Gröbner bases be used to compute solutions to large, real-world problems?

In particular, suppose I have an affine algebraic variety over $\mathbb{R}^n$ described by generators of a radical ideal $I$ and I want to find (perhaps not all of the) points in the variety. Several ...
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