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Malcev completion of free groups

Let $K$ be a field with $\operatorname{char} K=0$, $\hat{L}_n$ the complete free Lie algebra of $n$ variables $x_1,\dotsc,x_n$ and $\exp(\hat{L}_n)$ its associated group with the product given by BCH ...
Qwert Otto's user avatar
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In what way do exact sequences of Lie ideals integrate to the category of groups?

Please excuse, very naive question: Suppose $g$ is a topological Lie algebra over Q and $G$ = $exp(g)$ the associated group (take free group on formal symbols $exp(X)$, X $\in$ $G$, and impose all ...
olli_jvn's user avatar
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It there a nice way to describe the structure of Malcev-complete groups?

Let $\mathbb k$ be a field of characteristic zero. The grouplike functor $\mathbb G$ from complete Hopf algebras to groups is a faithful functor. Its image is the category of Malcev-complete groups ...
J. Darné's user avatar
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