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Quiver and relations for blocks of category $\mathcal{O}$

In Vybornov - Perverse sheaves, Koszul IC-modules, and the quiver for the category $\mathscr O$ an algorithm is presented to calculate quiver and relations for blocks of category $\mathcal{O}$ . ...
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A practical way to check whether a module is periodic

A module $M$ over a finite dimensional selfinjective algebra $A$ over a field $K$ is called periodic if $M \cong \Omega^n(M)$ for some $n \geq 1$. We assume here that $M$ is simple and that A is a ...
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Finding local algebra and relations lottery

This can be seen as an attempt for a mini Polymath project on homological properties of (local) finite dimensional algebras. You only need to know what a finite dimensional algebra is and have GAP to ...
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Commutative algebras associated to simple Lie algebras

In Section 2 of the article, the authors study the center $Z=Z_Q$ of certain preprojective like algebras associated to the simply ...
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Quiver algebras of Dynkin type

Let $kQ$ be one of the Dynin path algebras of type $A_n , D_n $ or $E_i$ for $i=6,7,8$. Question 1: How many (up to isomorphism) quiver algebras are there that are derived equivalent to $kQ$? ...
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Rigid modules for hereditary algebras

Let $A=KQ$ be a path algebra of a connected quiver. (K algebraically closed if it helps) Question: Is there an explicit classification of all indecomposable $A$-modules $M$ that are rigid, that is $...
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When does a stable endomorphism ring have injective dimension at most one?

tLet $A$ be a Frobenius algebra (we can assume that $A$ is given by quiver and relations) and let $M$ be a basic $A$-module without projective direct summands (we can assume we know the decomposition ...
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On monomial and $\Omega^d$-finite algebras

Let $Q$ be a finite quiver and $I$ a monomial admissible ideal of the path algebra $KQ$ for a field $K$. Then an algebra $A=KQ/I$ is called a monomial algebra. It is well known that monomial algebras ...
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