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Do $PGL_n$-torsors induce elements of the Brauer group

Let $K$ be a field and let $n\geq 2$. If $n=2$, then the set of $K$-isomorphism classes of $PGL_n$-torsors is in bijection with the $n$-torsion of the Brauer group of $K$. Is this only for $n=2$? Is ...
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Galois cohomologies of an elliptic curve

I asked this question on Mathematics Stack Exchange but did not get any answer and I was suggested to post the question here. I am studying basic theory of elliptic curves. I encountered Galois ...
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9 votes
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Torsors trivializing over a fixed finite etale cover

Let $S$ be an integral regular scheme and let $T\to S$ be a finite etale morphism. Let $G$ be a smooth affine finite type group scheme over $S$. Is the set of $S$-isomorphism classes of $G$-torsors ...
Juan's user avatar
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Are all Galois cohomology groups also étale cohomology groups?

Let $K$ be a field and $K^s$ a separable closure of $K$, and let $\mathcal{F}$ be a sheaf on $\mathrm{Spec}(K)$ (in the étale topology). By Grothendieck's Galois Theory, we have the isomorphism $$H_{...
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